Confucian Analects

while decluttering, I found a stack of Confucian Analects that I’d picked from the Taipei Confucius Temple – thought to record them here along with some photographs of the temple.

(8) Confucius say:
“A man is worthy of being a teacher when you learn new things from reviewing what you have learned.”
子曰: 温故而知新, 可以为师矣。

(10) Confucius say:
“If one learns but does not think, one will be bewildered.
If one thinks but does not learn, one will be bewildered.”
子曰: 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆

(13) Confucius say:
“One who is not benevolent cannot handle long periods of difficulty or long periods of comfort. The benevolence rest in benevolence. The wise desire benevolence.”
子曰: 不仁者, 不可以久处约, 不可以长处乐。 仁者安仁, 知者利仁。

(18) Confucius say:
“When you meet someone better than yourself, think of becoming his equal.
When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self”
子曰: 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。

(28) Confucius say:
“If a student is not eager, I won’t teach him; if he is not struggling with the truth, I won’t reveal it to him. When I have pointed out one corner of a square to anyone and he does not come back with the other three, I will not point it out to him a second time.”
子曰: 不愤不启; 不悱不发; 举一隅, 不以三隅反, 则不复也。

(30) Confucius say:
“I was not born with knowledge, but I love the ancient teachings and have worked hard to seek it.”
子曰: 我非生而知之者; 好古敏以求之者也。

(38) Confucius say:
“The man of wisdom is never confused.
The man of benevolence is never troubled.
The man of courage is never afraid.”
子曰: 知者不惑, 仁者不忧, 勇者不惧。

(39) Confucius say:
“Do not watch what is improper; do not listen to what is improper;
do not speak improperly and do not act improperly.”
子曰: 非礼勿视, 非礼勿听, 非礼勿言, 非礼勿动。

(47) Confucius say:
“The gentleman is in harmony but does not follow the crowd.
The small man echoes the crowd, but is not in harmony.”
子曰: 君子和而不同; 小人同而不和。

(61) Confucius say:
“To make a mistake and not correct it, this is a real mistake.”
子曰: 过而不改, 乏味过矣

(64) Confucius say:
“If your paths are different, you do not make plans together.”
子曰: 道不同不相为谋,志不同不相为友。

(69) Zi-Xia say:
“Someone who is aware every day of what he lacks, and every month does not forget what he has developed, can be called ‘a lover of learning’.”
子夏曰: 日知其所亡, 月无忘其所能; 可谓好学也已矣!

(70) Zi-Xia say:
“Learn widely and be resolutely determined,
inquire earnestly and reflect on what is at hand,
and here lies benevolence.”
子夏曰: 博学而绝志, 切问而近思; 仁在其中矣

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